Coaches, Authors and Experts:

Master the Art of High-Impact Speaking!

Create your Signature Talk and Confidently Command the Stage in 90 days or less!    


Enroll Now!

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You're called to be a speaker and share your message on big stages, top podcasts, and beyond.

But doubts creep in...

You get nervous and anxious and might think to yourself: Will people care about my story? Am I too boring or long-winded? How do I pick the "right" stories? And how can I  sell from the stage without being sleazy?

Sound like you? You aren't alone.

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Many brilliant entrepreneurs and thought leaders find themselves paralyzed by the overwhelm of possibilities, stuck in a cycle of indecision and inaction.
But, you can wake up each morning and know that you are being of value connecting your passion and purpose with an audience that needs your message. You can make a profound impact creating a ripple effect of change and... make incredible income while doing it!
Yes, entirely WITHOUT that icky “Am I being salesy??” Why? 
Because speaking on stage is the most effective way to build a credible brand as a leading authority, build instant rapport with an audience and turn that into income in your business.

I remember the first time I stepped on stage to give a talk.  Shaking with fright, I stood behind a podium gripping it for dear life as my voice squeaked and sweat dripped down my face.

I got loud and big as nerves got the best of me. I knew that I needed more preparation. I needed a solid structure, a plan.

So through trial and a lot of errors I created one. And now, 1000s of talks later, I'm here to guide you to craft your Impact Signature Talk so you don't have to go through what I did!

I remember the first time I stepped on stage to give a talk. Shaking with fright, I stood behind a podium gripping it for dear life as my voice squeaked and sweat dripped down my face.

I got loud and big as nerves got the best of me. I knew that I needed more preparation. I needed a solid structure, a plan.

So through trial and a lot of errors I created one. And now, 1000s of talks later, I'm here to guide you to craft your Impact Signature Talk so you don't have to go through what I did!

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What you need to know:


As a Tony-winning Broadway producer and award-winning documentary filmmaker, I've been an extremely successful professional storyteller and speaker. I have worked with Broadway legends, Hollywood writers and literary greats.


And, I've coached 100s of clients: everyone from the aforementioned entertainment heavyweights to business execs and spiritual entrepreneurs.


This is how I know not only the tools and techniques but the incredible power of effective storytelling with a confident stage presence. 


(And, ahem..the shift in income when you actually get on stage and use them!) 

All of the greats in your niche, the thought leaders in your industry are expert storytellers who command the stage with an impactful signature talk! 

They aren't simply sharing "how to" content on doing the latest reel trend. These truly successful people are able to garner attention with a powerful talk. They are shifting beliefs, changing hearts and minds. And their audience can see themselves in their powerful stories and quickly become inspired to take action.
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The Impact Academy is a 25 lesson course AND group coaching program that in 90 days will give you all of the tools (and practice!) you need to create a compelling Impact Signature Talk and captivate an audience with your performance so you get asked  to speak again and have clients clamoring to pay you!

The course is divided into 3 Acts:


⭐️ ACT 1: Unlock Your Unique Message

Uncover the hidden gems within your personal narrative. Through our Impact Story Process, you'll dig deep into your experiences, triumphs, and challenges to craft a message that not only captivates but also converts. Discover the power of your authentic voice and learn how to weave it into a story that resonates with your audience on a profound level. You have stories within you waiting to be unearthed!

⭐️ ACT 2: Craft Your Signature Talk

In this act, you'll give life to your Impact Signature Talk. Our expert guidance will help you structure your message in a way that not only makes an impact but also leaves your audience craving more. You'll create a talk that inspires, educates, and entertains, all while staying true to your unique style and mission. Get ready to witness the birth of a talk that will be etched in the minds and hearts of your listeners.

⭐️ ACT 3: Become a Stage Master

It's time to Command The Stage with unwavering confidence. Through a series of exercises and dedicated practice, you'll develop the skills to deliver your talk with ease and joy and master the art of magnetic delivery. We’ll help you conquer any stage fright, refine your body language, and master the art of engaging your audience. By the end of this act, you'll be a stage master, ready to captivate any room and leave a lasting impact.

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Working with Nick Demos for the past 6 months has been transformative in helping me transition from telling stories as an actor to telling powerful stories as a speaker. Nick's deep understanding of storytelling and his insightful questions have guided me to find my own answers, allowing me to create stories that are authentic, impactful and truly connect with my audience.

— John

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Taking part in The Impact Academy has given me practical insights into public speaking and helped me craft my first ever keynote speech. The course has positively impacted ALL of my communications: across social media, my mailing list, and impromptu moments of networking. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to tell their story in a meaningful, genuine manner and get the results their business needs.

— Emma

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Since it ended, I signed 5 high paying, ghostwriting clients! Thanks to you, I'm going to have a super, super busy summer doing the thing that I love because you helped me shift into the next phase of my career!

— Shari

Let's go deeper!

This is what you'll receive once you enroll in The Impact Academy:

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Gather stories and use proven techniques that connect you with your audience and build instant rapport.

✅ Clarify the understanding of your audience so you know exactly the language they want and need to hear
✅ Own your authority so your clients know you are their Guide.
✅ Create your “Positioning" Signature  Statement to quickly and easily share your value
✅ Examine the history of stories in culture, our relationship with them and how to best share them so they stick
✅ Garner a deep understanding of the characters in your stories and how to use them to greatest effect
✅ Understand the structure of the "Hero's Journey" and utilize its fundamental power in your talk
✅ Determine how to find great stories and create your Story Bank so you never have to worry about what story to tell again 

✅Practice Metaphors, Analogies and the use of Statistics in your talks to enhance the audience's experience

✅ Dive into the key elements of every compelling story including how the use of specificity will build audience trust


Structure your talk so effectively that you can use it over and over again!

✅ Investigate the power of the hook for a captivating opening of your talk and to immediately draw in your audience

✅ Examine your business core values to create a cohesive vision 
✅ Master the importance of a theme and core premise as the foundation for your entire talk
✅ Infuse your talk with persuasive techniques and rhetorical devices to make your message more memorable
✅ Discover the structure of a powerful Origin Story to be used in all of your brand assets that becomes a foundation for your Signature Talk.   

✅ Outline and create your higher purpose Signature Talk with little time and effort  for all stages: live, virtual, podcast, and even social that will be a game changer

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Command the stage and not only engage your audience but leave a lasting impact with them wanting more! 

✅Overcome stage fright so you can confidently deliver your talk with mastery
✅ Embody the physical elements of a presentation: Body language, gestures and blocking so you take the stage with gusto
✅ Engage with your audience, practice diction, and vocal presentation styles so you can speak your truth with passion
✅ Practice the art of live speaking so you are fully prepared and confident
✅ Become proficient in adapting your talk to each audience and each room so you can optimize your talk 

PLUS six group coaching calls for questions, presentation of your talk, and to receive invaluable feedback and support

(Coaching call times vary so that people from across the globe can attend!)

This is a do it in your own time and your own pace course, but the 6 coaching calls must be completed within the first 90 days.

Why? This will get you in action: creating your talk and speaking!

You might be sitting there thinking.. Okay, how much?! 


You can go to “biggies” who think of themselves as "gurus" in the speaking space who might be top level speakers but they aren't actually great coaches. They will not understand your values and the way you actually consciously do business and the importance of the impact you want to make. You can go on the internet or Chat GPT and spend hours researching without context or coaching and end up spending more money in the long run because your money = time.

Or, you can make an investment in yourself and your business so you can serve at the highest level and become a thought leader in your industry.

Others, have invested as much as $50,000 to work with me one-on-one, but with The Impact Academy you can start today for only $397!


ADD the VIP Package!


Let's get you booked and get you paid!

If you want more guidance in the process of creating your Impact Signature Talk with the next steps of how to make it lucrative, you have options. 

You can work one-on-one with me  I’ll be honest; I’m not cheap. Just like you my time is incredibly valuable.

Not everyone is in the financial position to afford one-on-one sessions which is exactly why I created the group course and coaching program to get the same results.

However, there may be a few of you that want to enhance your experience. For those of you that truly want to make speaking a business, or uplevel your current business by building your speaker platform you're ready for the VIP. 

Illumination- VIP:

Includes a year's worth (rather than 3 months) of  every other week- Art of Speaking coaching calls and two additional calls per month for the business of your speaking platform. That's a year's worth of weekly coaching calls! An entire year of support! Plus an online portal of over 40 hours of business and marketing  instructional videos.

And, as a special bonus a  FREE VIP ticket to Impact Academy Live where you will step on a real stage, present your talk and not only get realtime feedback but also the materials needed to create your speaker reel! (Time and location TBD)

The VIP Upgrade investment is $5997

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 There is a 60 day from purchase cancellation policy with proof of work. If the program isn’t the right fit for you cancel within the first 60 days for a FULL REFUND.

And most importantly...

You’ll learn practices to deepen your creative personal reserves and tap into the vast well of stories within so you can boldly and confidently command bigger stages. You posses this power already.... This program is going to unearth it! 

PLUS, you'll also get these 3 Amazing Bonuses!

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Bonus  #1

A Portal of 75 tools to Overcome Stage Fright and Gain Confidence 

With the Creative Soulpreneur Portal you'll get a gallery over over 75 meditations, Ancient Breath Work practices and inspirational videos to help you calm your nervous system, and relieve stage fright and inspire you so you can be a confident and radiant speaker!

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Bonus  #2

Money Mindset Workshop

In Conscious Money Manifestation uncover the blocks and internal "stories" that are holding you back from BEING the powerful visionary leader and speaker your audience needs and learn know how to ask for what you know are worth. You will define and manage your internal sales stories, learn to embody a fixed vs. growth mindset, and rewrite your money story.

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Bonus  #3

Align Your Niche

Uncertain of your niche or how to position yourself? Or are you confused about how to bring together all your talents and gifts together? Align Your Niche is a 2-part workshop that will help you align you, your talents and your clients and your talk!

Let's Recap!

Here's What You'll Get When You Join The Impact Academy:

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There is now a choice to be made.

The truth is that you can spend a ton of time and energy and find all the info on YouTube. But will you fully integrate? Will you have the support you need? 

Or, you can embody and master presenting your Impact Signature Talk and build a thriving  speaking business -when you invest in The Impact Academy.

If you want to up level your speaking ability and make a greater impact click the button. 👉🏼

You only have until one week to enroll and get the amazing bonuses. So do it now!

Enroll Now!

Have a question before enrolling in The Impact Academy?

You might get your answer here with some frequently asked questions:

Have any other questions you want answered before enrolling? Want more info about the VIP program

Email Team Nick: [email protected]

Or, book a call now! ☎️

Uplevel your business like it has for these graduates...

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If it wasn't for Nick, I don't know where I'd be today because I was lost. Working with him has been instrumental in helping me find clarity and focus as a new professional speaker. His insightful questions and guidance allowed me to brainstorm ideas and craft my message more effectively, and his passion for coaching shines through in the invaluable support he provides.

— Jennifer

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As a holistic health coach I had been sharing my story but didn't feel I was effectively reaching my audience. In The Impact Academy I was able to refine my messaging, learn the importance of how to share my story and I am now well-prepared to move forward with the tools to speak on any stage. I am grateful for the space held for me as I pushed through my fears and for understanding, compassion and humor.

When you're looking to share your story and have the impact that helps others, who better to learn from than an award winning storyteller and speaker?

— Michelle

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The Impact Academy made all the difference in my dream-come-true project: Nick's inspiration, talent, skills, and confidence in me gave me courage - and the path - to make it happen. Thanks so very much!!

— Anne

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, YouTube, Pinterest and TikTok will all come and go.

What won’t change is the fundamentals of a speaking on stages. People have been telling stories around a fire and persuading others with them since language began!

This is more than just a talk; It is an entire platform of engaging and converting content. 

The time is now to step onto more stages!

I'm offering you options to invest...

3 Installments



Single Installment



Illumnation: VIP Upgrade


*Payment plan also available 


12 monthly Installments


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For any questions or support contact Team Nick at [email protected]

Join us on stage!










As with any business program, your results may vary from the student testimonials provided. Individual results will vary based on related experience, effort, skills, etc. We cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. The most successful students put time, effort, and dedication into applying and implementing what they learned from The Impact Academy.