Soul- Centered Entrepreneurs: Are you interested in having or currently have an on online business but are struggling with aligning your niche?



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Align Your Niche is THE ONLY two day live workshop WORKING FROM THE INSIDE OUT to help you move out of overwhelm, confusion, and fear about niching down so you can create the lucrative business you’ve been dreaming about that’s in alignment with your soul.

Are you confused about what to offer as so many out there already do what you do and it doesn't feel special, (yoga, meditation, health coach)


Are you a multi-hyphenate creative and wanna know how to bring all of your talents and interests into one business without feeling like you're being put into a box, (writer-director-reiki master-breath work)


Are you questioning your authority or expertise? (Imposter Syndrome)

I’ve been there. I’m Nick Demos, Tony winning producer, filmmaker and soul-aligned business coach. A passionate multi-hyphenate creative with so many big ideas yet I couldn’t quite seem to bring it all together. I struggled to make it feel right to me and follow what my audience desired. Don't waste the time and energy I did!

This is the workshop I wish I had when I started!

In the Align Your Niche Workshop you'll learn:


2 Live Video Trainings

Align Your Niche is a 2-part live training series where I’ll be taking you through the process of how to connect with your ideal Heroine or Hero client, define and align your expertise and begin to utilize your personal brand stories.

This is NOT a pre-recorded video training. I will be interacting with you and coaching you the entire time. There is direct Q and A to help you gain the focus and clarity you need.

Here are the dates for both trainings (We will send you the Zoom Links you need to gain access to the training)

Session #1 Thursday, Sept 10 at 10am PT

Session #2  Friday, Sept 11 at 10am PT

You do not need to be available for both times. While attending live is preferable to gain the most out of the experience, you can also achieve the results you desire by watching the replays that will be available.


"Prior to taking Nick’s Align Your Niche workshop I was really confused; I didn’t know who I wanted to work with. But after taking his course, I’m super dialed into who I want to work with, who I want the Heroine of my story to be and what that looks like. If you’re on the fence I highly recommend taking the workshop."


"Nick facilitated a supportive and creative environment that allowed me to squash my negative self-talk and gain clarity and specificity on who it is I want to serve and why. The Align Your Niche Workshop gave me focus, direction and action toward a more fulfilling career"


"For years, I have separated my creative theatre/film and accent modification/professional speaking coaching/speech-language pathology worlds.  Within the first day of the Align Your Niche Workshop, Nick Demos helped me access an idea of how I could meld the two.  By the second day, I had identified my niche. "





PLUS Upgrade


Includes: Align Your Niche Workshop and two one-on-one business coaching sessions with Nick (over $100 savings) to dive deeper and get you producing faster.

ENROLL in PLUS Upgrade

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