Meet Nick


Share Your True Story, Not Just Success

Have you ever achieved a dream only to feel empty inside? 

At the supposed top of my game while making my way up to the stage to accept a Tony Award I had an out of body experience. 

This is it? This is it? This isn't how this is supposed to feel. 

As I stood on the stage peering at the crowd I was neither excited nor elated, I was numb. I simply couldn't feel joy.

Until that moment I had been attempting to be the “Best boy in the world”. I was creating in reaction to childhood trauma while managing chronic physical issues, and hiding behind achievements. 

Through therapy and a daily consistent practice given to me by my spiritual teacher I began uncovering the inner blocks and awakening my creative energies. By sitting still, digging deep, and becoming REAL, the scared child within transformed into a man yearning to serve through stories.

Today, I work as a story consultant on high level projects and coach entrepreneurs and creative visionary leaders to step on stages and share their stories so they can connect with audiences, make sales and have massive impact. 

If you're ready to effectively share your story let's connect!

Your Guide is a...

🔹 Tony and Olivier Award Winning Broadway Producer

🔹 7 Figure Business Leader

🔹 Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker

🔹 Story and Creativity Consultant

🔹 2000 hr- ERYT/ 500 hr Hatha Yoga Teacher

🔹 Pranayama (Breath Work) Master Teacher

🔹 Former Artistic Director of Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma

🔹 Former Professional Actor/Singer/Dancer. AEA, AGVA, SDC, Broadway League member

🔹 Panelist/Board Member for the Rhinebeck Writer's Retreat, One Company, National Alliance of Musical Theater and the National Endowment of the Arts

🔹 President-Elect for the National Speakers Association SoCal


Are YOU ready to Share Your Story?!

"Nick Demos is a gifted soul. He turns his mind and heart fruitfully in myriad directions. Deeply grounded in spiritual practice, he is an inspirational leader."

Julia Cameron
Author, The Artist’s Way

"Nick Demos has an uncanny way of unleashing one’s creative self. Whether through meditation or his well-thought-out exercises, on that retreat I experienced a reawakening and transformation that was nothing short of cathartic."

John Patrick Patti
Winged Victory Films

"Nick had me set my bucket list for on our first session. In December when I looked back on that envisioned list that Nick made me write down; I was absolutely stunned. I had just crossed off the last item on that list! "

Vani Kovitch
Actor- Writer- Comedian

"I came to Nick to help with some creative blocks I was having when teaching. I have seen tremendous growth in the way I tune into myself and am able to work through and overcome challenges. I've earned 11x's what I thought was even possible! Nick has been a guide. Never giving me the answers, but rather showing me ways that bring me to realize them myself. Choosing this path has been one of the best choices I’ve ever made."

Megan Eaton
Owner, Find Your You

"His greatest skill is an uncanny ability to reframe my limiting beliefs and help me use them as assets for connection and purpose-driven work. As an artist turned soul-based entrepreneur, I feel like I can share my story fearlessly and confidently."

Robin Wilner
Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher

"Over the course of three days with Nick I grew more than I had in months in other programs. I left that retreat with a sense of self, confidence, and most importantly a deeper sense of play. I began booking acting jobs almost immediately after, and I haven’t stopped booking since!"

Keith Hines

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